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Real Estate Lead Generation

Real estate lead generation has always been a hot topic with Realtors. With many Realtors no longer door knocking or cold-calling, the Internet has become a focus point for Realtors looking to generate real estate sales leads. With fierce competition and buyers and sellers 'shopping around' before choosing someone to represent them, Realtors now need to offer free tools such as user friendly websites that are about the client, not about the Realtor.

Below are 5 tips how Realtors can increase their real estate lead generation. Not only will these tips increase the amount of real estate sales leads, but they will also show Realtors how to convert leads into sales!

1. Get high placement in search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Most Buyers and Sellers start their searches here and you need to have high ranking websites! This can be accomplished by having separate websites for Buyers and Sellers. As search criteria is different for Buyers than for Sellers, you need to have high ranking websites for both types of clients.

2. Offer free services with your websites.

Don't make them about you, make them about your clients! A free service such as CMAs where they don't need to call you. This can be done via an 'online form'. Sellers don't want to always give out their contact number but usually have no problem giving out their email address.

3. Go above and beyond!

A free daily email of new listings and price adjustments is great, but follow up with personal emails! Don't forget about them after you have them on your email list.

4. Make your website very user friendly.

If searching for a CMA in a certain area. Sellers don't want to navigate thru 3 pages of your website just to spend time composing a long email about their home. They want a basic template where they fill in the fields. A user friendly website is a great tool for real estate lead generation.

5. Offer free Buying and Selling tools to your clients.

Most Buyers and Sellers do lots of research before choosing to work with a Realtor. Get the upper edge on your competition by offering a free eBook.

Most real estate boards provide Realtors with standard tools that ALL Realtors are able to offer their clients, making competition fierce. In order to separate yourself, you should explore different options. I feel internet marketing is the way of the future and with Buyers and Sellers shopping online; YOU NEED to put yourself in front of them. You could be the best Realtor in your market but without the proper tools, you will continue to struggle.


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