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Mortgage Marketing - Switch From Teaser Rates to Answers Marketing

If you have been in the mortgage market for any length of time you are familiar with the classic, "Refinance your $300,000 mortgage for only $800 per month, increase your cash flow!" This probably didn't beg a lot of questions from the borrower and with rates plunging and documentation no barrier--there wasn't a lot to explain.

Things have obviously changed for borrowers and lenders, but has your marketing?

Ask Questions Borrowers Are Asking

Barraged with terms like FHA, GSE, Reverse Mortgage, ARM Resets, Loan Modifications, Foreclosure, and a whole host of others--fills borrowers with questions.

Pile on to that media coverage that headlines bank closings, government bailouts, economic catastrophe, and dangerous mortgages with payment shocks--fills borrowers with fears.

You first ingredient in building a successful marketing campaign in this market environment is moving your presentation from payment to questions. Make sure that your marketing materials and sales approaches fundamentally starts with the questions borrowers are asking.

Answer Questions Borrowers Are Asking

Asking questions certainly is not servicing those borrowers, but at least it is calming their nerves a bit. It is reassuring them that they are asking the right questions.

Asking questions is also helping to direct them to you. Whether it is a postcard or a search query. Matching questions tells the potential client you are on the same wavelength.

Now the art of marketing means that you quickly transition to a value first approach. Answer the question. Short, simple, and direct. No acronyms or mortgage jargon.

Use your answers to set expectations--be clear who you can help. Those you can't give them good advise on who or what can.

Do It Everywhere

You are prepared to ask questions and answer questions, but where? Everywhere.

This is the current state of our media. There are few places to reach everyone. People are splitting their attention and looking for answers across the full spectrum of media. Your challenge is to be everywhere.

This is a tough order--especially if you are attempting to achieve any level of scale. I break it into two approaches broadcasting and listening. You should use both. Here are some quick online ideas:

Broadcasting Answers:

  • Answer questions on Blog
  • Answer questions on Yahoo Answers
  • Answer questions via Article Marketing
Listening for Questions:
  • Listen for questions in traditional media
  • Listen for questions in RSS Reader
  • Listen for opportunities on Twitter
Do It Often

Unlike the heyday of marketing in the mortgage refinance boom, one payment ad doesn't get the deal.

When you are marketing answers it takes credibility and depth. That means proving your expertise and showing your endorsements. That takes frequency.

The effects of an answers-based marketing campaign will ramp slower, but will yield exponentially and builds a long-term base.


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