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Learning About Real Estate

Today I'm going to be talking about some real estate hunting I did with my girlfriend last week. As some of you may know, I'm not located in the United States, I'm currently living in Toronto Canada so it seems like a good idea to throw that out right away.

Anyway, me and my girlfriend were looking somewhere we could move into. First we looked at houses downtown--omg can you guys say overpriced? You won't believe how expensive it is to have a house downtown in Toronto. I can't believe the price some people were giving us for what had to be one of the smallest, most enclosed areas I'd ever seen in my life. Literally, you cannot find a smaller area to live in than these places in downtown Toronto.

Bottom line guys, if you're looking for real estate in Toronto, or any major city for that mattor STAY away from downtown. Go for the suburbs and get a nice place with large square footage (ie. tons of room) and that way you can be sure you'll actually be getting value for your money. It's really up to you guys what you do of course, but you can bet both myself and my girlfriend decided that there was no way we were living downtown and instead are going to the suburbs next week to see what the housing situation there is like.

I'll be updating my Toronto real estate adventure on a week by week basis so make sure ot keep following all these articles if you want to learn a lot about real estate!



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