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3 Tips on How to Make Effective Real Estate Postcards

Real estate is a business that thrives on how well you project an image and how well you can connect with the needs of others. There are many marketing materials that you can use to help you in your endeavor but none of them are as cost effective as real estate postcards. Real estate postcards give you the flexibility in the design that you need in creating impact in various ways.

For example, here are the types of real estate postcards that you can create:

"Farming" postcards

Farming postcards allows you to have a personal connection with your audience since these types of post cards usually offer free insider information about certain buildings or properties that are currently on the market. These postcards include pictures of properties that are considered to be bargains as well as tips on how to get the least prices out of real estate investments.

Just listed postcards

This is a nice way to advertise new properties that have recently been added to the market. These postcards give your audience an idea of the latest developments in the real estate world. Try and use high resolution images of properties so as to build interest among your audience.

Just sold postcards

Just sold postcards are not so much to market real estate. These materials are to let the people know that you just close out a deal and that you are a reputable real estate agent. Add a little endorsement from a satisfied customer and your golden.

In terms of the layout of these postcards, here are some ideas that you can play around with:


• First, plan your approach and chart out your path towards success. Be sure to have it written down so that you can check every once in a while if you are straying out the path that you lad out for your self.

• Hire help. Face it, you cannot do it alone. You need to have people that will work for you. you need experience professionals that will give you advice on what you can do with your postcards. You already are pre occupied with the real estate part of your work, you should have someone handle your marketing or at least have someone who will help you handle it.

• Write down where, when and how many prints you want to have. Plan everything down so that you do not use excess amounts of your resources. Also plan a budget and stick to it no matter what. Having a rigid budget keeps you from overspending.


• Be specific in everything that you design. The more specific you are, the easier it is to draw responses to your prints. Be personal in your approach so that it will be easier for you to connect with your readers.

• Also it will be better if you have a set goal that you want to achieve. It will be easier to determine if your campaign is a success or not if you have a goal that you can get back to and gauge your results.


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